Nashville Veterinary Specialists

Anesthetic Care for Your Pet
Dr. Singsank is a board-certified Anesthesiologist and a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia (DACVAA). She leads a team of specially trained veterinary technicians and staff in providing the highest possible standard of anesthetic care available for your pet.
The anesthesia team aims to provide safe, optimal anesthesia, specifically tailored to your pet. Your pet's medical record, history, and clinical stay in the hospital are reviewed before an anesthetic plan is implemented. The anesthesia technicians are trained to anticipate, recognize, and care for any concerns associated with anesthesia. The anesthesiologist will assist in monitoring your pet thoroughly during the anesthetic procedure and throughout anesthetic recovery. The staff will be continuously monitoring the patient’s vital parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, temperature, for example) and for any complications that may occur.

The anesthesiologist is responsible for a pre-anesthetic evaluation of your pet, care of your pet while under general anesthesia, recovery from anesthesia, pain management, and the direction of all staff members who assist in the technical aspects of your pet’s anesthetic care. She will work closely with the attending clinician in reviewing your pet’s anesthetic plan. The anesthesiologist’s sole responsibility is the safety and comfort of your pet during and after anesthesia.